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The website content – including data, news, information, images, graphs, illustrations, brands and domain names – are owned by SERVImed.
All information on this website was made by internal personnel, if not diversely specified.
SERVImed has the right to edit, in every moment, and to its discretion, contents and functionality of this website without notice.
Moreover, SERVImed allows for reproduction, sharing and communication of this data to a public audience, with explicit reference to SERVImed as the author, using a direct link to the original web page.
SERVImed ensures that all information complies with accuracy, completeness and credibility, with the sole informative purpose.
However, SERVImed declines any responsibility for errors and omissions in published contents, both for printing typos, formatting or scanning.
The same consideration is applied to third parties’ contents used in this website.
SERVImed isn’t responsible in any way for other websites reachable or reached by an hyperlink, nor for eventual data loss or damages caused by those external sites.
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For any information the user may contact the indicated person in the “Contact us” section.